Blake Pieck


Blake Pieck

Super Powers -

Super Leap / Jump

Super Leap or Jump is the ability to jump higher and farther than an average human, often covering great distances or reaching extreme heights with a single bound. This power results from enhanced muscular strength, kinetic energy manipulation, or other supernatural attributes that defy the conventional limitations of human mobility.

Characteristics of Super Leap/Jump

Enhanced Strength and Agility   –   The ability is typically rooted in extraordinary leg strength and agility, allowing the individual to propel themselves through the air with significant force and precision.

Kinetic Control   –   Some with this ability may control kinetic energy to augment their jumping power, effectively using their body’s natural motion to achieve superhuman leaps.

Adaptive Landing   –   Along with the ability to jump great distances or heights, individuals often possess the capability to land safely and gracefully, even from extreme altitudes, preventing injury upon impact.