Blake Pieck


Blake Pieck

Super Powers -


Cryokinesis is the ability to control, generate, and manipulate ice, frost, and cold temperatures. This power allows the user to lower the temperature of objects and the environment, freeze water into ice instantly, and create various forms of ice and snow for a range of effects, from defensive barriers to offensive projectiles.

Characteristics of Cryokinesis

Freezing Ability   –   Cryokinetics can cause rapid freezing of moisture in the air or objects, leading to the formation of ice or frost in various shapes and structures, such as spikes, walls, or sculptures.

Temperature Manipulation   –   Beyond creating ice, they can lower ambient temperatures, creating cold zones or blasts of frigid air, capable of slowing down or immobilizing opponents and affecting environmental conditions.

Ice Formation Control   –   The user can dictate the form, size, and complexity of the ice created, from simple icicles to elaborate, interlocking structures or even animated ice constructs.